The real magic behind Donald Trump is not that Donald Trump is some skilled statesman or world-class diplomat. What makes him formidable is that he understands how to market himself. He knows how to sell. He delivers a message to people looking to hear a message that resonates with their core beliefs. The Democrat machine seriously underestimated both him and the need of Americans to change the disastrous policies of Biden – the policies of his handlers, that is.
The practical truth is not that Donald Trump is going to be some powerhouse president for the next four years. His Executive Orders can be reversed by the next Democrat president, if not codified by Congress. He’s just a businessman who thrives on a challenge and well-deserved victory.
There are a lot of benefits to Trump’s presidency. Not to mention the fact that he can set in motion things that can continue to pay dividends even after he leaves office. Another thing about Trump is that he doesn’t really believe in anything. He doesn’t have any base core beliefs that define him other than success. He can be anything he needs to be to win, which on the one hand, might be a good thing because he can adapt to changing situations. On the other hand, we don’t really know what he stands for other than winning. Just the same, I think it is a good thing he decided to win on our side.